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Legal Note

Legal Texts Version 1 08-2017

  1. Legal Notice
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Cookies Policy

1 - Legal Notice

In accordance with the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the sector of electronic communications, we put your knowledge to the following information:

SOCIETAT ANÒNIMA D’EQUIPAMENTS TURÍSTIC - ESPORTIU DE LA PARRÒQUIA D’ENCAMP, [hereafter SAETDE], is the owner of the Web page, and will act exclusively as the manager of the contents of the present Web, addressed at: C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65 Edifici B Planta 5 - AD500 ANDORRA LA VELLA (Principat d’Andorra), NRT A700071W, with the Trade Registry number 919798D, is responsible for the management and functioning of the Web previously mentioned.

If you would like to contact us, you can do so by post at the previously mentioned address, or by e-mail at:


If you use the web you are considered a user and this implies full acceptance without any reservation of every and each point in this Legal Notice, published by SAETDE, from the moment the user accesses the web. In consequence, the user must read carefully the present Legal Notice every time he or she wishes to use the Web, as these may be modified.


SAETDE, is only responsible for its own web and any access to webs by links or any information offered by third parties is not the responsibility of SAETDE.

Any use of links or access to a web not owned by SAETDE is at the users responsibility and SAETDE does not recommend nor guarantee any information obtained by a link through a third party which comes from a web that is not from, neither is it responsible for any loss, claims or damages derived from the use or bad use of a link or the information obtained through it, including other links or webs, interruption of service or in the access, or trying to use or the incorrect use of a link, even if the connection is via the Web or by accessing the information by other webs from the same Web page.


The information and the services included or availability by the Web could include errors or spelling mistakes. Periodically changes in the contents will be made. SAETDE, can introduce improvements and or changes in its service or contents at any time.

We would like to inform you that the contents on this Web, are designed to inform, keep in contact with you, send information about our services, and are in accordance with what is envisaged in the present Legal Notice and the rest of legal text on this present Web Page.


SAETDE, is not responsible if there are interruptions or if the services and contents offered on the internet do not work adequately, regardless of the cause.

Likewise, SAETDE is not responsible for, the internet going down, loss of business due to these failures and temporary electricity power cuts or any other types of cuts.

SAETDE, does not declare nor guarantee that the services or contents will not be interrupted or free of errors, and that they will be repaired, or that the service or the provider will be free of viruses or any other damaging component, whilst SAETDE, will do its utmost to avoid these types of incidences. If the user takes some decisions or carries out actions based on information included on any “websites”, it is recommendable to check the information by consulting other sources.


  1. The structure, design and way of presenting the elements (graphs, images, files, logotypes, colour combinations and any element susceptible to protection) are protected by intellectual property laws, owned by SAETDE.
  2. It is prohibited to reproduce, transform, distribute, communicate in public, make publically available and in generally exploit in any form partially or totally the elements referred to in the previous section. These acts of exploitation can only be carried out if authorised by SAETDE, and if this were to be the case, there must be explicit reference to the fact that SAETDE is the intellectual owner of the material.
  3. Only documental material produced by SAETDE is authorised for private use, and in no case can the material be deleted, changed, eluded or any of the security systems installed be manipulated.
  4. It is forbidden to link to the final pages, the frame and any other similar manipulation. The links must always be to the principle page or homepage
  5. Distinctive signs (brands, commercial names) belonging to SAETDE, are protected by industrial property rights and the use or manipulation of them is forbidden except if there is written authorization by SAETDE.

Privacy Policy


Conforming to all that is established in the Law 15/2003 on Protection of Personal Data (LQPD) and Regulation of the Andorran Data Protection Agency (RAAPD) which develops LQPD, we inform you that personal data given via the forms, and likewise your e-mail address have been included in our file titled SOCIETAT ANÒNIMA D’EQUIPAMENTS TURÍSTIC - ESPORTIU DE LA PARRÒQUIA D’ENCAMP [hereafter, SAETDE], at the business address of C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65 Edifici B Planta 5 - AD500 ANDORRA LA VELLA (Principat d’Andorra), NRT A700071W, with the Trade Registry number 919798D, E-mail, with the objective of attending your consultations and sending you information related to the products, activities and services offered by SAETDE.

We inform you that the data could be used to send you commercial communications, in any format, and this could be related to any other services offered by our business which might be of interest to you. If you should at any time oppose this type of communications, please send us an e-mail address to indicating the subject as “UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST”.

Likewise, you can exercise the right to access, rectify, suppression and should you wish to, oppose (ARSO Rights), according to the terms established by Qualified law 15/2003, by presenting or sending an application in writing to: Av. Carlemany, 68 Despatx 401 Edifici Illa Carlemany - AD700 ESCALDES-ENGORDANY (Principat d’Andorra), or by e-mail to: and with a photocopy of your ID or similar documentation indicating the subject as “DATA PROTECTION”.


SAETDE is especially sensitive to protecting the personal data of our users which has been obtained through the services offered on our Web. The present privacy policy [hereafter, the Policy] informs all the users of, how the personal data collected from the Web is treated and used with the objective of letting the user decide freely and voluntarily if they would like to give the information asked for.

SAETDE considers it essential to guarantee to protect all personal data and to this end to protect the intimacy and privacy of all the interested parties (data holders). We use the present Privacy Policy to declare our commitment to guaranteeing the legal demands stipulated in the legislation and norms that are applied to material regarding the Protection of Data at a Personal level.

Therefore, in compliance with the Qualified law 15/2003 (LQPD), the Protection of Data at a Personal level by the present document, SAETDE.


1- File ownership

SAETDE at the business address: C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65 Edifici B Planta 5 - AD500 ANDORRA LA VELLA (Principat d’Andorra), is owner of various files that have been registered in the General Register of the Data Protection which answers to the Andorran Data Protection Agency, and can be consulted via the following web http://

Specifically, the data received through the present web will be incorporated into the file [USUARIS WEB / NEWSLETTER], that will be applied to this Privacy Policy.

2- Collection and Treatment

The file [USUARIS WEB / NEWSLETTER], has its principle characteristics:


The purpose of collecting and incorporating the data from the files previously mentioned is:

a. File [USUARIS WEB / NEWSLETTER], offers the information demanded by the interested parties via a form or questionnaire on the Web page .

b. Answer questions that have been formulated.

c. Send you information about our activities or services offered on the website

2.2- Responsibility for Treatment

If there should be a third party who accesses this file, then there exists the obligation to subscribe to the contract that has been previously prescribed to (art.12 LQPD i art. 9 RAAPD). This contract has to be signed following the terms marked by the for mentioned article, which regulates the use of contracts and the confidentiality of personal data and which conforms with the present legislation.

2.3- Consent

By filling in the diverse forms which are on the previously mentioned Web page, the user gives his or her consent to allow his or her personal data to be kept on the previously mentioned file, and this will be subject to the same rules as those present in the Privacy Policy. In the same way the user gives SAETDE his or her consent to send him or her information periodically and inform him or her of our services.

However, you can at any moment reject this type of service by sending an e-mail to indicating the subject as “UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST”.

3- Security measures

SAETDE, has adopted the legal requirements for the level of security for the protection of personal data, and has installed all the means and technique measures in its hands to avoid any loss, bad use, alteration, access without authorization and robbery of the same data.

4- Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

The title holders of the data contained in the file [USUARIS WEB / NEWSLETTER], as well as the holders of the data contained in any of the files held by, SAETDE, can contact the entity, as the person responsible for the file, with the objective of being allowed to exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation, and if desired opposition (ARSO rights) with respect to the data incorporated in the file. These rights are characterised as “extremely personal”, and as such can only be exercised by the title holder or his or her legal representative who have been previously accredited or who show sufficient representation.

A. - The right to access is to be exercised annually, except if the party interested shows legitimate accreditation. When exercising the right of access, the interested party can opt for the following systems in order to consult the file by:

  • Sending an email to:
  • Writing a letter addressed to: SAETDE, C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65 Edifici B Planta 5 - AD500 ANDORRA LA VELLA (Principat d’Andorra).

SAETDE will proceed to notify its decisions within a 5 day. If it were to be accepted, the interested party would be able to access the previously mentioned information within 5 days after its notification.

B. - The right of rectification and suppression can be exercised, conforming to the following previsions, whenever the interested party considers that the data collected in our files is inexact, incomplete, inadequate or excessive. If this is the case, you can exercise these rights via one of the means previously anticipated.

SAETDE will proceed with the rectification or cancellation within 30 days of receiving the request.

5- Regulation changes

SAETDE reserves the right to modify the present policy with the objective of adapting it to the legislative or precedents changes. Such changes will be communicated within the necessary time on our Web page, and it can ask the affected parties for their consent if it is believed that it does not have the consent according to the present policy.

If you should have any doubt, question or comments referring to the present regulations, please do not hesitate to ask about them by sending a communication to:


3 - Cookie Policy

A “Cookie” is a small file that is stored in the users’ computer which allows us to recognise the computer. A set of “cookies” help us to improve the quality of our web page, allowing us to control the pages which our users find useful and the ones which are not. “Cookies” are essential for the internet to work correctly bringing countless advantages in the performance of interactive services, allowing you to navigate and use our web page. You should always take into account that cookies cannot damage your equipment but if they are activated, they help us to identify and resolve any errors.

The following information, will help you to understand the different types of cookies.

Session Cookies: They are cookies which remain temporarily in your cookie file inside your navigator until you close the web page, and at no time remain registered in the user’s hard disk. The information obtained via these cookies is used to analyse the pattern of traffic on the web. Over time, this help us to offer a better experience to enhance the contents and make them easier to use.

Permanent Cookies:  These are stored in the hard disk and our web reads them each time that you visit our web. A permanent web page has a specific expiry date. The cookie will stop working after this expiry date. We generally use them to help the purchasing and registration services.

Multipurpose Cookies: A cookie can be used for diverse purposes, for this reason they can only be exempt from the requirements needed for consent if all and each one of the purposes for which they are used, are individually exempt from the requirements needed for consent.

The user has at any moment the option to halt the generation of “cookies”, via selecting the corresponding option in the program titled “navigator”. However, SAETDE, is not responsible if the deactivation of the previously mentioned cookies stops the web page from working well.

The following are examples of how to configure the cookies on different navigators:

Google Chrome

Windows Explorer


Apple Safari

We would like to inform you that SAETDE at its domain com does not use any form of “cookies” which deal with any personal data, which allows any concrete person to be identified.


Name of the “Cookie"







Control versions of the legal text.








2 years from the configuration or update

Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.


30 minutes from the configuration or update

Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.


End of the session of the browser

Not used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit.


Six months from the configuration or update

Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.


Two years from the configuration or update

Used to store visitor-level custom variable data. This cookie is created when a developer uses the _setCustomVar method with a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was also used for the deprecated _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

Once you have read all the information given, we advise the user that if you continue to navigate on our web page, without having taken the correct measures in order to personalize your navigators, to stop the installation of any cookies used by the user, you will be giving your consent for the use of those mechanis

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